Gordon Stewart

is one of the UK’s most popular and adaptable organists; he has played Celebrity Concerts in such places as St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral, the Laurenskerk, Alkmaar and at Symphony Hall in Birmingham, Leeds Town Hall, Melbourne Town Hall, Pietermaritzburg City Hall and Johannesburg Cathedral. His large repertoire means he can design concerts suitable for most organs and audiences. He was for 30 years Borough Organist of Kirklees, playing concerts on the famous Father Willis organ, and building up a large and enthusiastic following. In recognition of this he has been given the title Organist Emeritus.

Gordon has played concerts throughout Europe and in South Africa, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

Gordon has recorded several CDs, of the organs of Huddersfield Town Hall, Johannesburg Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg City Hall, Providence Church, New Mills, and All Saints' Church, Hastings  Also available are recordings of organ music by Andrew Carter and Noel Rawsthorne. A recent recording of music for trumpet and organ with Tom Osborne has been enthusiastically received.

The Royal College of Organists, The Royal School of Church Music and the Guild of Church Musicians have all awarded him Honorary Fellowships, and the University of Huddersfield awarded him an Honorary Doctorate. He was awarded the British Empire Medal in the KIng's first Birthday Honours.

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